Student Classification
According to academic load, students enrolled in the University are classified as follows:
Regular student: one who if registered for formal academic credits and who carries the full load required in a given semester by his curriculum.
Irregular student: one who is registered for formal credits but who carries less than the full load required in a given semester by his curriculum.
Special student: one who is not earning formal academic credits.
According to year level, students enrolled in the University are classified as follows:
Freshman (1st year)
Sophomore (2nd year)
Junior (3rd year)
Senior (4th year)
Fifth year (5th year)
A student shall be considered absent from class if he/she is not present within the first third fraction of the schedule class time. In other words, a student is considered absent if he/she arrives after:
The first sixty (60) minutes for a three-hour class;
The first thirty (30) minutes for a one-hour-and a-half class; and
The first twenty (20) minutes for a one-hour class.
A student is considered late or tardy if he/she arrive in class during the first third fraction of the scheduled class time.
Three incidences of tardiness shall be considered as one absence from class.
A student who has been absent for at least twenty percent (20%) of the hours of recitation, lecture, laboratory, or any other scheduled work in one subject for the semester, or any academic period, shall be automatically dropped from the class roll, and the Registrar shall be advised accordingly.
Graduation with Honors
Those who desire to draduate with honors, the following are the weighted average he/she needs to achieve:
Summa cum Laude (1.19 to 1.00)
Magna cum Laude (1.44 to 1.20)
Cum Laude (1.75 to 1.45)
Click the link to see the grading system and guidelines on graduation with honors.